5 Things You Should Never Do to Your Ear

Our ears are sensitive, yet we often don’t think much about taking care of them. From listening to loud music to using cotton swabs, there are many habits we do daily that can harm our ears. To avoid damage, here are five things you should never do to your ears. if you are reading from Phoenix Browser don't forget to click on Read Original on the top to read the full and original version of the Article.

1. Never Use Cotton Swabs Inside Your Ears

Cotton swabs might seem like a good idea to clean your ears, but they can push wax deeper into the ear canal. This can lead to blockages, pain, or even infection. Your ear has a natural way of cleaning itself, so it's best to avoid sticking anything inside.

2. Never Ignore Ear Infections

An ear infection might start with minor pain, but if left untreated, it can lead to serious complications. If you notice symptoms like pain, discharge, or hearing loss, consult a doctor as soon as possible. Ignoring it can lead to long-term damage to your hearing.

3. Never Listen to Music Too Loud

Using headphones at a high volume can damage your hearing over time. A good rule is to keep the volume at 60% or lower. If others can hear your music through your headphones, it’s too loud. Protect your hearing by turning down the volume.

4. Never Clean Your Ears Too Much

Your ears need a small amount of wax to stay healthy. Over-cleaning them can cause irritation, dryness, and increase the risk of infection. Let your ears maintain their natural balance, and only clean the outer part of your ears gently.

5. Never Use Sharp Objects to Scratch Your Ears

It can be tempting to use sharp objects like pins or pencils to scratch an itchy ear. This can lead to serious injury, including puncturing your eardrum. If your ears are itchy, consult a doctor to find the right treatment instead of using harmful objects.

Your ears are delicate and require proper care. Avoid these common mistakes to keep your ears healthy and protect your hearing. If you ever have concerns about your ears, it’s always best to seek advice from a medical professional.

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