DO NOT DO THIS DURING SEX: 14 Mistakes to Avoid

DO NOT DO THIS DURING SEX: 14 Mistakes to Avoid

Sex should be enjoyable for both partners. But sometimes, small actions can spoil the moment. Here are 14 things you should never do during sex:

1. Checking the Time

Glancing at the clock while having sex sends a bad message. It shows you’re not fully engaged. Focus on your partner, not the time.

2. Getting Annoyed When Orgasm Takes Time

Patience is key. Don’t get frustrated if your partner takes longer to orgasm. Help them instead of showing irritation.

3. Ignoring Your Partner’s Orgasm

If you reach orgasm first, don’t stop there. Make sure your partner is satisfied too. Sex is about both of you enjoying the moment.

4. Sneezing or Coughing on Your Partner

Sneezing or coughing in your partner’s face is a big turn-off. If you must sneeze or cough, turn your head away.

5. Comparing Your Partner to an Ex

Don’t bring up your ex’s sexual moves. Comparing your partner to an ex can hurt their feelings and ruin the mood.

6. Faking Enjoyment

Pretending to enjoy sex is dishonest. It’s better to communicate what you like and don’t like than to fake it.

7. Being Too Quiet

Complete silence during sex can make your partner feel alone. Even a little sound or a whisper can make a big difference.

8. Being Passive

Don’t leave all the work to your partner. Sex should be a shared experience. Show your interest and participate actively.

9. Making Disapproving Faces

If you’re not happy with something, don’t just make faces. Talk to your partner. They can’t read your mind.

10. Trying Something New Without Warning

Before trying a new move, discuss it with your partner. Surprising them without warning can be uncomfortable.

11. Calling Out the Wrong Name

Calling your partner by the wrong name is a huge mistake. Stay focused on who you’re with to avoid this.

12. Skipping Kissing

Kissing adds intimacy to sex. Don’t skip it. It makes the experience more personal and connected.

13. Forcing Oral Sex

Never force your partner into oral sex. If they’re not in the mood, respect their feelings.

14. Rushing Foreplay

Foreplay is important for building arousal. Don’t rush it. Take your time to enjoy each other’s bodies.

Final Thoughts

Sex is about respect and mutual pleasure. Avoid these mistakes to make your sex life better. Be attentive, communicate openly, and enjoy the moment together.


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