19 Essential Truths About Exploring Sex Positions in Marriage

Mr Dillion
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19 Essential Truths About Exploring Sex Positions in Marriage

1. Embrace Variety

There are many sex positions to explore. Experiment and try new ones. You'll be with your spouse for many years, so keep things exciting and varied.

2. Godliness and Sex Positions

Your spiritual life isn't defined by your choice of sex positions. Being godly isn't about sticking to one position—variety is perfectly fine for married couples.

3. Visual and Sensory Pleasure

Sex positions are about visual excitement and physical stimulation. For example, some men love doggy style for the visual appeal, while women may prefer different positions for varied sensations.


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4. Know Each Other's Favorites

It's essential to know your spouse's favorite sex positions. Don’t spend years together without this intimate knowledge.

5. Communicate Preferences

If you have preferences from past experiences, communicate them to your spouse. Make it easy for your partner to please you.

6. Be Honest

Don’t pretend to enjoy love-making if there are positions you want to try. Open communication is key.

7. Stay Open to New Experiences

Your sexual tastes can evolve. Be open to trying new positions with your spouse—you might discover new favorites together.

8. Express Enjoyment

Moaning can signal to your spouse that you're enjoying a particular position. It’s an important part of sexual communication.

9. Experiment Together

As long as both of you are comfortable, experiment with new positions. Avoid monotony and rigidity—spice up your marriage.


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10. Respect Boundaries

If your spouse declines a suggested position, respect their boundaries. Keep the affection alive and don’t seek satisfaction outside the marriage.

11. Pregnancy and Creativity

During pregnancy, explore positions that are comfortable for the wife. Many couples find this period enhances creativity in the bedroom.

12. Create Unique Names

There are numerous positions, like Small Pin, SnakeInMonkey Shadow, and Missionary. Feel free to invent your own and give them unique names.

13. Emotional Connections

Some women prefer missionary for the eye contact, while others enjoy cowgirl for the sense of control. Different positions cater to different emotional needs.

14. Visual Stimulation for Men

Certain positions keep men erect longer due to the visual stimulation. Erection is influenced by visuals, moaning, and physical sensation.

15. A Fun Workout

Sex positions can be a great workout. Acrobatic positions might make you sweat as much as a gym session.

16. Memorable Experiences

Great sex positions create memorable experiences. Positive experiences will keep you both coming back for more.


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17. Beyond the Bed

Don’t limit yourselves to the bed. Explore the floor, shower, carpet, or seat for added excitement.

18. Maintain Desire

Keep the desire to sexually please each other alive. It’s unfortunate to wish to explore with someone else when you’re married.

19. Review New Positions

After trying a new position, discuss it. Decide together whether to keep it, drop it, or improve it.

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