Journey of No Return: The Story of Gitarama Prison


In Rwanda, there is a prison that many call the worst in the world: Gitarama Prison. Locals even refer to it as the "Journey of No Return," a name that hints at the suffering inside.

Gitarama is known for its terrible conditions. Prisoners are only fed once every four days. When they get too hungry, some even kill and eat other prisoners. This shows just how desperate they are.

The prison is extremely overcrowded. Cells meant for three people often hold more than thirty. There's hardly any space to move. Inmates are allowed to bathe only once a year, so the place is very dirty and smells awful.

Living in Gitarama is so hard that many prisoners pray for death. Every day is filled with hunger, disease, and violence. It’s a place where hope is lost.

Gitarama’s terrible reputation is known far and wide. For the people of Rwanda, it represents a place where life ends in misery. The "Journey of No Return" is more than just a saying—it’s the reality for those sent there.

Gitarama Prison shows us the worst of human suffering and cruelty. It reminds us why it’s important to treat all prisoners with basic human rights and dignity. The story of Gitarama needs to be told so that we can work towards a better, more just world.


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